Entertaining at first...
But once you reach like lvl 4, youve already seen every bomb...and it just becomes sort of boring.
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Entertaining at first...
But once you reach like lvl 4, youve already seen every bomb...and it just becomes sort of boring.
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It reads: Very entertaining. 10/10 5/5
I love madness, but this puts it to shame. The pixel effect is ok...but it would of looked better with actual artwork. Plus it was sorta hard to tell what some things are. Sorry dude.
But it was too short. You should make an expansion to the game and make the movement much more smoother. Plus I swear Bowser is rigged...
I enjoy assassin games, and I spent a good hour playing this game. It had a great story, humorous lines and such, and even awesome graphics. Last person made me think until i finally noticed *blocked due to spoiling the fun*. So, a great game...though I wish the bullets would shatter the windows if a person is shot infront of one. Great job! 5'd
Great game, great song, very tough. Kudos to you!
Twas ok...but...the lag really screwed it up.
It got to the point where i could hit up, but no jump....it was an ok game though, not bad for your first.
hmm... That never happened to me... I'll look into it...
It has its ups and downs.
Ups: Downs:
Highly addictive. Too challenging
Fun Not realistic (it is, to a point)
A challenge Frustrating
All in all, its a great game...but even with the borders closed, rats and bugs still travel. If its Airbourne, wouldnt it be in the air, always? If its waterbourne..wouldnt it be in the sea(s) as well?
Still, it was good. 4/5 for me.
Age 33, Male
Joined on 7/6/08